21 August 2015

Latest Radio and Moves in the Music!

Big thank you to all my radio supporters I’m back in the studio making the music that I love and hope your gonna luv it to.

First off thank you Rockin-Blues-Show in Vancouver, Canada! I appreciate the rotation on your Saturday Show and internet worldwide! Digg your artist album cover line up of each show as I am using it as my featured image above.

confessing-the-blues-eliza-neals-2015Thank You Confessing The Blues with Host Cleve Baker such a great show. Cleve has a wonderful syndicated radio show that spans the globe in 20+ countries on multiple radio stations! Thanks Cleve for keeping my music on the radio! You must stop in and hear Cleve’s super voice it’s just what you need to remember what radio is all about!

eliza-neals-purple-haze-radio-2015Thank You PURPLE HAZE Netherlands sweet rotation of “Breaking and Entering” to Europe! I am over the moon on the worldwide audience!

eliza-neals-will-stenner-productions-radioTHANK YOU STENNER Productions for the sweet interview! Yes I play Hammond B3 and Piano plus sing so click the photo above and hear our conversation! Cool Stuff!