04 February 2025
North Jersey Blues Society strong review of Eliza Neals Colorcrimes
#TransformationTuesday ushers in my local cool @northjerseyblues society’s new review on my 2024 #Bluesrock album #Colorcrimes

“As a self-produced and self-promoted artist, she embodies the spirit of independence and creativity, demonstrating her multifaceted talents as a songwriter, pianist, and arranger… under the mentorship of the legendary Barrett Strong Jr. Together, they co-wrote three standout tracks on the album. “#SomethingsBetterThanNothing” is an infectious, upbeat anthem that encourages listeners to cherish the goodness in their lives… “ Thank You Cristy and #NJBS for the great review there’s so much more to read check it out here https://www.northjerseybluessociety.org/…/eliza-neals…