Blues Bytes power-packed “Sweet or Mean” review
“The opener of the EP, “Pawn Shop Blues,” is also the closer, albeit in altered form. The opening version includes saxophone from Ian Hendrickson and trumpet from Michael Leonhart, plus Popa Chubby’s scorching slide guitar and Neals’ ferocious vocal. The closing version eschews the horns, but retains the shuffle beat, the slide guitar, and Neals’ vocal might be a little bit more intense on this take. Ordinarily, one would wonder why two versions of the same song are on an EP, but both versions are so good it doesn’t really matter.”
So much fun working on this EP with Popa Chubby. Every note every word sung was a party. Beautiful to get such s super reception on Sweet Or Mean. All these great reviews show that magic in the bottle was captured on “Sweet Or Mean.”
Blues Bytes thanks for the super words and be sure to click the link and read all their great reviews.
“this duo has much, much more to say that blues fans will want to hear.”
Will see there’s so much on the horizon!