13 October 2014

#JCAST2014 Artist Studio Tour 2014 – October 18th and 19th – Noon to 6pm + 150 Bay Performance Sunday 1:15am

Embedded image permalink #JCAST2014 150 Bay Street #JerseyCity Artist Studio Tour 
OCTOBER 18th+19th 12-6pm Closing Party Sunday
Saturday OCT 18th “Naked Music Loft Series #4” #JCAST2014 150Bay Street – #JerseyCity Guest #Musicians!
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#JerseyCity #ArtistStudioTour #2014 #ElizaNeals 
Solo on keys new songs short set – Sun OCT 19th 1:00pm


 “Jekyll and a Hound”
Skeleton song on Piano! 
Recorded in Kansas City…. Click Above