16 August 2015

‘Concerto’ Magazine fascinating review of “Breaking and Entering”

“Eliza Neals is a fascinating, young vocalist of Blues, Blues-Rock and R&B. In addition to her auBergewohlichen (awesome) vocal qualities, the Detroit-born artist is also a very good pianist and organist and songwriter. On their latest publication she supported a large number of outstanding musicians, how about Kenny Olson, (former) guitarist for Kid Rock, on “You” and “Southern Comfort Dreams.” The title song of the album shows the whole brute vocal power, that Eliza Neals has enabled. “Windshield Wipers” is a successful song as well as “I’m the Girl” with funky influences. With such a young artist must be the blues with a Bang. (translated)”

concerto-germany-eliza-neals-review-01concerto-germany-eliza-neals-review-02THANK You Austrian press and radio listeners! CONCERTO Magazine I thank you for your words and hope to wow you in person soon! XOX